Lobster Fishing
Being a photographer definitely has it's perks. It's a great excuse to get out and experience other peoples lives - what they do and what makes them interesting. It's one of my favourite things about being a photographer. I had the opportunity to go out lobster fishing with my friend George and his nephew Jason for the day. Boy, it's a long day and those men work hard for their money. It was also really nice to be out on the water all day, watching the light and sky change constantly. The water rolled and rocked all day, and I rolled and rocked all night after I got off the boat. It's really odd how you still feel like you're on the boat long after you on land.
Thanks for a great trip guys!
We head out before sunrise. Driving in complete darkness...
The Markets (1-3lbs)
Rock crab.
Hermit Crab.
Lobster with eggs... goes back in the ocean.
Checking to meet conservation size.
The Clown Fish. Atlantic sea raven? Ugliest fish ever? Must be a descendant of this sucker.
And it's eggs.
Grey Seal.
We were out for quite some time, so I had the opportunity to shoot a bit of video of the process. Yes, I realize that the lyrics of the song don't really go with the video, but I like the sound of it. For those of you who don't know it, Cayouche is like the French Bob Dylan/Cat Stevens... kinda. Just a fun little video. Enjoy!